My name is Lorna Hernandez. I am a certified holistic coach focused on codependency recovery, feminine rites of passage facilitator, certified sound therapist, yoga teacher and painter.
My journey throughout this life has been a constant evolution since I was 5 years old when my codependent mother and alcoholic father divorced. Life growing up became hectic as we moved around constantly from different places and lifestyles up until I was 18 years old. At that age, I decided to move out and sustain myself, working in restaurants and bars while I was studying painting in art school. I jumped in and out of different types of relationships and had multiple addictions such as alcohol, drugs, sex and love. I was always evolving in some way but the hard way, until slowly, my eyes started to open to many realities.
I started to see the environment I was allowing myself to be, the toxicity I was around with, the mental, emotional and even physical abuse. After a huge breaking point in my lowest moment, I decided I was tired of my own patterns, repeated scenarios, being stuck and resentful for the things that happened in my life. I realized I needed to start committing to serious changes if I truly wanted to have a healthier and fulfilling life. I had to face my deepest truths and fears, and pull out all the weeds that were suffocating the real me. The me that is not acting out of trauma anymore, out of hurt, out of anger, low self-worth, shame, control and pleasing others.
After a lot of therapy, soul searching, three hundred thousand asanas, many books, a whole lot of journaling, self-analysis and realizations, I started to finally breathe. I began to find peace, to detach, and to recover on so many levels.
I felt a deep calling to pay it forward and help others in their own journeys. I wanted for people, especially women to feel the same liberation I felt, to come back to their inner homes, to drop the stories that don’t belong in our hearts, prioritize our well-being and truly walk a path that makes us feel belonging and in purpose.
I certified as a holistic coach, a sound therapist, started to offer yoga classes, workshops and day retreats, and graduated as a feminine rites of passage facilitator. I believe that I came here to this Earth to be a tool for a higher purpose, the one of shining a light in the life of women and remind them of how powerful, important and worthy they are.